2nd day: For engaged couples

2nd day: For engaged couples

“In these days concentrate your reflections not on the stable in Bethlehem, but in the Heart of the Child Jesus, to discover more and more the feelings of attachment and concern for your sanctification; admire that love that all is sacrificed for you and leave these reflections to your heart, all the feelings of gratitude, gratitude, confidence, reciprocation, sacrifice without reservation. I assure you that these feelings Jesus who is born expects them from you in a special way: to him you owe them in preference of very much. ”

(Giuseppe Benaglio)

Let’s pray:

Lord, in the engagement you offer a time of grace, for knowledge and together preparing for marriage.

Guide them towards the ideal of a love that knows how to blend sensitive and spiritual aspects in harmonious understanding. Do not allow them to give in to selfishness, to reserve the definitive and complete gift

of themselves to the commitment of a perennial love in marriage.

Defend the love that you have placed in their hearts, from the continuous dangers, in particular, from the risk of infidelity.

